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Outskirts Press Voted #1 by Top Consumer Reviews Seven Years in a Row!

Top Consumer Reviews ranks Outskirts Press #1 in Self-Publishing 7 years in a row

It can be hard to decide where to publish your manuscript with so many options available.

But Top Consumer Reviews just made it easier to identify who you can trust. For the seventh consecutive year (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023), the consumer product and services review site has again named Outskirts Press #1 in the self-publishing industry!

According to TCR, there are many reasons Outskirts Press has garnered this honor multiple years in a row. They cite a wide range of affordable products, an important level of customer service, and our 100% royalties structure. To quote TopConsumerReviews.com, “Everything you could need from a self-publishing provider can be found at Outskirts Press. This company’s strong reputation, excellent range of packages, and à la carte services are just a few of the reasons why they remain at the top of our rankings. Outskirts Press continues to be our top pick among self-publishing services.”

Now, it’s time for YOU to experience the service that is #1 in the industry. Our Publishing Consultants are waiting to help you get what you need to achieve your goals for your book.

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Book Video Trailers

Introducing Jerrine Wire’s Book Video Trailer for “Beatchik”

It was 1962. We felt something was decaying in the core of American society and that a reaction was stirring, but we didn’t know where it would lead. Turned out of her parental home at nineteen, penniless but ripe for adventure, Justine travels from Pennsylvania to Boston, is romanced by poet Gregory Corso, then migrates to New York and San Francisco, where there is no shortage of other wounded hipster poets and artists to comfort. Teenage Beth rebels against the rigid expectations of her wealthy family and falls under the spell of the brilliant, philandering Elliot. Aspiring untalented artist Nancy spirals into addiction to the feckless, blond demigod Lothar. Flower child Mena, chafing under her immigrant mother’s old-world strictures, is thrilled to abandon all inhibitions in Manhattan’s seething East Village. All, in one way or another, seek their future in the scintillating bohemian counter-culture already dubbed the “Beat Generation.”

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Jerrine Wire’s trenchant roman à clef vividly evokes this unique epoch through the intersecting stories of real women (and some men) navigating uncharted seas seeking ecstasy, love, peace, and meaning in a world of art, poetry, sex, drugs, politics, and existential uncertainty where conventional habits and mores were joyfully upended.

Have you written a book that you’d like to publish?

Connect with a Publishing Consultant today to learn how Outskirts Press can help YOU publish YOUR masterpiece:

Outskirts Press stands behind our book printing and design service.

Author Spotlight, Top 10

Hug a Teacher During National Teacher Appreciation Week

Coinciding harmoniously with National Children’s Book Week, National Teacher Appreciation Week stands as a vibrant week-long observance in the United States, dedicated to celebrating teachers and acknowledging their invaluable contributions to education.

Taking place in the first full week of May, National Teacher Appreciation Week is a heartfelt tribute to educators, celebrating their unwavering commitment and profound influence on both individual students and society at large. Schools, communities, and educational organizations across the country participate in various activities and events to honor teachers during this week. These activities may include award ceremonies, special assemblies, luncheons, gift-giving, and heartfelt expressions of gratitude from students, parents, and administrators.

In recent years, social media has played a significant role in spreading awareness about National Teacher Appreciation Week. Hashtags such as #ThankATeacher or #TeacherAppreciationWeek are commonly used to share stories, photos, and messages of appreciation for teachers.

If you are the author of a book about teaching, or if you are a teacher who has written a book, this is a great week to get involved with your community as a published writer. Here are some examples of both from Outskirts Press.

Have you written a children’s book that you’d like to publish?

Connect with a Publishing Consultant today to learn how Outskirts Press can help YOU publish your masterpiece for young readers. (Don’t worry, we publish books for adults, too).

Outskirts Press stands behind our book printing and design services with the best 100% satisfaction guarantee in the self-publishing industry. Start publishing today.

Click above to watch the video. New authors, click here for your free publishing kit.

publishing promotions, self-publishing

Receive 30 Author’s Copies Included When You Start Publishing Today

Promo Code: threetimes

As a self-publishing author, keeping extra copies of your book on hand will be vital. Here’s a golden opportunity for you as a self-publishing author. When you opt for our Ultimate Black and White or Ultimate Full-Color publishing services, you can receive 30 free paperback books.  

Extra copies of your book can inspire you to seek out and act upon opportunities. Consider these five practical scenarios where having extra copies of your book can be a game-changer, opening doors to new possibilities: 

  1. Your community has a writers’ guild. Sign on if you still need to join your local writers’ club. Be ready to furnish copies to people who can pass them along to essential power players.
  2. Your community has libraries, schools, and universities. Provide copies of your book to these entities and offer free book readings for patrons and students. 
  3. Your hometown newspapers or radio stations run news briefs on local happenings. Call ahead to these organizations to be sure they accept promotional copies, then address or drop off a copy to the person responsible for making decisions about the news.
  4. There are independent bookstores in your area. Give them a free promotional copy of your book and any promotional materials you have so they can determine whether to carry it. 
  5. People may frequently ask you about your writing and your book. Every time the topic of your book comes up, you have an opportunity to make a sale. Be ready with a copy of your book! Once your friend is interested, ask them if they’d like a copy; even offer a discount if you wish.

Connect with a Publishing Consultant today to learn how Outskirts Press can help YOU publish YOUR masterpiece:

Outskirts Press stands behind our book printing and design services with the best 100% satisfaction guarantee in the self-publishing industry. Start publishing today.

Click above to watch the video. New authors, click here for your free publishing kit.