Are you experiencing some difficulty signing-up or logging-in to Outskirts Press? This page will help you. Please review it thoroughly. You are bound to find the solution here. Make sure you try each suggestion, in order, starting at the top.
- Don't use bookmarks to access the log-in page (or any page on our site). It may have changed. Go to a new sign-in page at and click the refresh button on your browser.
- Make sure you are entering a valid email address.
- Make sure you are selecting from one of the two choices (either logging-in or signing-up), by clicking on the selection button next to your choice.
- If you are logging-in, use the email address you used previously to sign-up. Do not re-register with a different email address; our system will think you are two different people and will become very confused by your split personality.
- If you are logging-in and have forgotten what email address you used, try to log-in using some of your previous email addresses. You can change your email address to your preferred one once you have successfully logged-in.
- If you are logging-in and have forgotten your password, read and complete the section directly below the password box that asks if you have forgotten your password. Your password will be emailed to you if our system recognizes your email address. Remember that some ISPs (like AOL) have a nasty habit of blocking system-generated emails, so check your bulk or spam folders for your password email.
- If you are logging-in and nothing seems to happen when you choose the "I am logging-in to my account" button, scroll down to make sure you are seeing the next section. If you still don't see it, try accessing your computer from a different browser. Our site supports IE, Firefox, Netscape, and Mozilla, but versions are constantly changing. See if a different browser solves the problem.
- If you are logging-in but the system does not recognize your email address, it is possible you are a new author to Outskirts Press. Try signing-up for an account instead.
- If you are signing-up for the first time, choose the "I want to sign-up for free" selector button. Then, fill in your email address again, and your first name.
- If you are signing-up, be sure your email addresses match exactly in each box.
- If you are signing-up, be sure to omit any spaces in your name, by only entering your first name, not your middle name or last name. In the rare instance where your first name has two words, use a hyphen, or combine the name into one word without a space. Not ideal, we know, but hey, we're trying to get you registered here.
- If you are signing-up, and the system notifies you that you have already joined, then choose the "I am logging-in to my account" selector button instead.
- Clear out your cookies by going to Tools > Internet Options on your browser and clear your cookies. Then try again.
- Make sure you have your cookies turned on. Our site works without cookies implemented, but this may be the cause of your problem. And, the author's center is much faster and more convenient if you have "cookies" enabled on your computer.
- If NONE of that works, contact us at 888-672-6657 ext 703 or via email at authorservices at (remove the spaces and use a @ for the word "at").