Choose the Cover for Your Book

Cover Design with Full-Cover Customizable Image (58)
We provide a large number of cover styles, which can be further customized with either a background color and/or an image, depending upon your package. Of course, we highly recommend the professionally designed custom cover option if your budget allows it.
Ultimate, eBook & Audiobook packages have the highest number of customizable cover styles to choose from. Basic books have a higher number of cover styles than the Economy. The example cover images shown above are included but we highly recommend changing them out--you don't want your cover looking like anybody elses.
Changing out the example image with one of your own (or one you select from our Getty Images library of 100,000+ images) is free to those authors publishing with the Ultimate, eBook & Audiobook packages and can be purchased for an additional fee by authors publishing with our Basic and Economy packages.
Ultimate, Basic, eBook & Audiobook packages also allow for the submission of the cover as a fully-designed print-ready PDF file of the entire cover (including the spine and back if applicable).
Our Professionally Design Custom Cover option is included with all One-Click Publishing & Marketing Suites and is highly recommended for all a la carte packages.