Blue Ink & Clarion Guaranteed Book Reviews Bundle

Give your book the attention it deserves with a high-quality, objective and guaranteed book review from Foreword Clarion and BlueInk Reviews.
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Book Reviews Guaranteed to Attract Attention
Have you been trying to get a professional book review but keep hitting a brick wall? Are you looking for a guaranteed and honest review of your book that provides you with marketing blurbs and promotional "plugs?" What if we told you that you can have all this and more with a guaranteed book review from BlueInk Reviews and Foreword Clarion Reviews?
What's the best part (other than the guaranteed part, of course)? You don't even have to order review copies, drive to the post office, pay for postage when mailing them to the reviewers, or be left wondering if all your efforts will even result in a review. You can rest assured that you will receive an honest review, and we will take care of all the details (like review copies, shipping, and handling) for you.

Here's what you'll get:
We will submit two (2) copies of your book to BlueInk Reviews and Foreword Clarion Reviews, respectively, for their standard book review. Within 4-6 weeks, a qualified reviewer from each company will write a book review for your book that is between 250-600 words in length and return those reviews back to us. Once we receive your reviews, we will send them to you to be used as you see fit. The reviewers keep your book copies for their records.
If you notify us that you have a new, positive review "blurb" as a result of this review bundle, Outskirts Press will revise your cover for free to place the quote/blurb of your choice on your book cover, space pending.
Once the reviews are complete, Foreword and BlueInk will post their reviews to their respective websites, resulting in more exposure for you and perhaps more book sales, too! According to BlueInk Reviews, "librarians, booksellers, and agents can search for the best books by clicking on the Notable Reviews section of our website, eliminating the need to browse through self-published books of lesser merit. This helps them efficiently curate material they might be interested in representing or stocking." These book reviews are also often reposted on the self-publishing blog. That means these reviews can provide you with the additional exposure you are seeking, regardless of whether you are a new or seasoned author.
BlueInk and Foreword Clarion reviewers provide 100% honest feedback that the author can use as a promotional tool and/or to improve their writing. While receiving a review is guaranteed, it's important to keep in mind that these reviews are written by professionals, and they will provide their honest review of your book. And while a positive review from two such respected sources is more valuable for marketing purposes, even a negative review can have a positive element to extract for a blurb or cover quote. Outskirts Press has no control over whether the reviewer likes or dislikes your book and is not responsible for the content of these reviews. Please remember that a negative review is not grounds for a refund; and almost all reviews contain at least something that can be used for promotional purposes.
Click the "Add to Cart" button to reserve your guaranteed BlueInk and Foreword Clarion book reviews today!

A word from an author about Guaranteed Book Reviews.
Todd Michael Putnam, author of The Garden of Life
The Blue Ink book review service offered through Outskirts Press was the perfect choice for me as a first time author. By choosing this option, I could be certain that not only would my book be guaranteed an honest review from a highly trusted and credible name in the indie book review industry, but also that everything would be handled quickly and professionally for me. My book, The Garden of Life, was awarded a Starred Review and that means Blue Ink will now feature it in monthly newsletters, promote it on social media and highlight it on their landing page on the web. Additionally, it will forever be available to be seen in their 'Notable Books' section. That's exactly the kind of targeted marketing and exposure that first time authors need.