1st Chapter Preview Library Distribution (3 Months)

Introduce your book to libraries, bookstores, media, reviewers, bloggers and readers by running a quarter page full-color ad along with a free preview of your first chapter in this catalog for three consecutive months.
Scroll down for more information.
As a published author one of your goals may be to get your book into a library or independent book store. First Chapter Preview Library Distribution promotes your book's first chapter to libraries, bookstores, buyers, readers, and more! This increased exposure can help your book be discovered.
With First Chapter Preview Library Distribution, your book cover, synopsis, pricing information and ordering details will run for three consecutive months in a quarter page ad in First Chapter Plus, a monthly catalog where viewers/customers can download and preview the first chapter of your book. Those who are interested in buying copies will have all the ordering details right there in the catalog for their convenience, and your benefit.
Here is a sample of the quarter page ad, which includes a full-color image of your cover, synopsis information, title information, and a link to the first chapter of your book. Buyers are more apt to buy your book if they can preview the first chapter in advance.
Outskirts Press will handle all of the submission details for you, including creating a secure PDF file of the first chapter. Outskirts Press will send you the catalog via email when your ad first appears. Your book will appear in the catalog for three consecutive months for maximum exposure.