Christian Retailing Digital Product Blast

Reach over 8,000 Christian book buyers & retailers with this targeted advertising opportunity available exclusively for Christian books.
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Exposure for Your Book in Christian Retailing's Digital Product Blast
Get your book into the inbox of Christian retailers and buyers...
Christian Retailing reaches the owners/managers of Christian retail stores everywhere and our Christian Retailing Digital Product Blast is the most cost-effective way to get your book in front of buyers for these selective and specific venues. This high-profile placement of your book in the email inbox of buyers for these companies is invaluable to Christian authors.
Keep in mind, only books with Christian genre codes are eligible to participate given the nature of the newsletter’s readership. If you are receiving Spring Arbor distribution through Outskirts Press, you will find this advertising opportunity a valuable addition to your Christian book marketing efforts.

Marketing your book with the Christian Retailing Digital Product Blast allows you to secure premium digital exposure for your book via an email blast featuring a full-color image of your book cover and an abbreviated synopsis. Each featured book has a READ MORE button which takes interested buyers to a detailed information page with full bibliographic information on your book.

Christian Retailing Digital Product Blasts are broadcast once at least 4 submissions have been received, making wait times minimal and featured exposure greater.
Just click the ADD TO CART button to reserve your space now. Reservations are taken on a first-come first-served basis. Reservations will be placed immediately so this order is non-refundable. Once your book has been featured in a Christian Retailing Digital Product Blasts blast, we will email you a link to view the email.
More information about Christian Retailing magazine can be found on their website at