Spring Arbor Christian Distribution Service

For appropriately themed Christian books, additional distribution to Christian bookstores through Spring Arbor by Outskirts Press can help your book reach a more extensive network of highly-target readers and buyers.
Get Your Christian Book Additional Distribution to Christian Bookstores
Does your book feature a religious theme? If so, then our Spring Arbor Christian Distribution Service is for you. The purpose of Spring Arbor Distributors is to provide superior distribution services for books that enhance people's relationship with God.
Since Spring Arbor is a distributor with a specific purpose, not all titles submitted for consideration are accepted. Spring Arbor holds ultimate discretion for the titles they accept, so be confident your book qualifies before purchasing this option, as the service fee covers the cost of submitting the book, regardless of whether Spring Arbor accepts it or not. Refunds are not made if Spring Arbor does not accept your book into their distribution network.
One of the best ways to increase the likelihood of Spring Arbor accepting your book into their distribution network is to choose only Christian-related Genre/BISAC codes when selecting your genre categories. In fact, Spring Arbor will rarely accept a book without all BISAC codes indicating a Christian-related genre.
You can review a list of all the applicable Christian-related genres that Spring Arbor accepts in this Publishing Tip Sheet.