Foreword INDIES Book Awards Submission

Being an award-winning author is a feeling like no other—and it does great things for book sales!
Foreword magazine's INDIES Book Awards are distinguished by an intense judging process utilizing professional editors, booksellers, and librarians.
Make sure your book is among the ones being considered so you can leverage the promotional power of "award-winning author" to increase your online recognition, enhance your book's credibility and get attention in the crowded book buying marketplace.
Scroll down for more information.
Become an Award-Winning Author & Get Exposure for YOUR Book

Foreword magazine's INDIES Book Awards were established to bring increased attention from librarians and booksellers to the literary achievements of independent authors. The INDIES are distinguished by an intense judging process utilizing professional editors, booksellers, and librarians. The final judging process sees each book evaluated by a librarian and a bookseller—the decision makers for millions of book buys each year. They carefully appraise finalist titles using the following criteria: editorial excellence, professional production, originality of the narrative, and the value the book adds to its genre.
When you order the Foreword INDIES Book Award submission service from Outskirts Press, we handle all of the following on your behalf:
- award entry submission fees
- completing the paperwork to register your book with the contests
- selecting the most appropriate category for your book (if we're not sure, we'll ask you)
- printing, shipping and handling costs for books sent to each of the contest's multiple judges
- a $1,500 cash prize
- an announcement on Foreword magazine's website
- showcasing in Foreword magazine, digital newsletters, and to their international media list
- exposure to the librarians, booksellers, industry professionals, and book lovers that read Foreword Reviews in print and those who receive the weekly Foreword This Week email
- exposure on Foreword magazine's social media channels
- the opportunity to be placed on the award-winners shelves at international events attended by the Foreword Independent Press Collective
- a press release sent to Foreword Reviews' 35,000+ list of media and industry professionals
- 500 foil seals to embellish the cover of your book
- an announcement on Foreword magazine's website
- showcasing in Foreword magazine, in digital newsletters, and to their international media list
- exposure to the librarians, booksellers, industry professionals, and book lovers that read Foreword Reviews in print and those who receive the weekly Foreword This Week email
- a press release sent to Foreword Reviews' 35,000+ list of media and industry professionals
- 500 foil seals to embellish the cover of your book
Click the "Add to Cart" button to start your journey to becoming an award-winning author like these Outskirts Press authors:
Be sure your book is eligible by checking the copyright date on your book's copyright page. If your book's copyright date is this year, you are eligible. If your book's copyright date is last year, please double check your eligibility with If your book's copyright date was before last year, it is no longer eligible to enter these awards.