Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN)
A Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) facilitates cataloging and processing of your book by the Library of Congress.
Only books with an LCCN can be placed in libraries. It’s not required for a self-published book; however, it is a mark of professionalism that will set your book apart.
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Give Your Book the Opportunity for Library Availability
A Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) helps libraries properly catalogue your book and facilitate its distribution through the U.S. library system. Although it does not guarantee that your book will be carried by any given library, your book cannot be carried by a library if it doesn't have an LCCN.
Since the LCCN is added to the copyright page during pre-publication, it cannot be acquired after publication. So if you are interested in this option, the only time you can get it is during your publication process, prior to book formatting.
Once your book is published, we mail copies to the Library of Congress in Capital Heights, Maryland and to the Cataloging in Publication (CIP) division in Washington D.C.