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We Got Him

by Bob Arnone


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Product description...

Billionaire playboy, John Carlisle, fulfilled his ambition in becoming the President of the United States. He believed he could negotiate political gains as he did successfully in the business world. But he finds dealing with five-hundred-thirty-five congressmen frustrating, a roadblock in his desire to create a legacy as the greatest president in the country’s history.

Carlisle befriends Vladimir Petroff, dictator of Russia, fulfilling a campaign promise to develop greater cooperation between the two super powers. When invited by Petroff to Russia, the shrewd former head of the KGB, provides the President with sexual pleasures, playing upon the weakness of his counterpart.

Petroff threatened to release video and photos of the President’s indiscretion. Carlisle finds himself in a compromising position, either cooperating with the Russian dictator…or resigning in disgrace.

Carlisle is convinced by Petroff, that he can become the sovereign leader of the United States by disbanding Congress, the Supreme Court, and controlling the armed forces through subversive groups developed from a network of spies, reaching deep into the political structure of the United States. Carlisle is faced with choosing to lead in the destruction of democracy and becoming supreme leader, or admitting his fall from grace to the American people.

Product details...

Format: 6 x 9 Black & White Paperback, 210 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Mar 16, 2024)
ISBN10: 1977271669
ISBN13: 9781977271662
Genre: FICTION / Thrillers / Political

Author Information...

Bob Arnone, the author of Deadly Imposter, Pardon My Gender, Kill a Killer, Samson’s Diary, Molly Sunshine and The Tattered Collar, grew up on Manhattan’s east side. He has a bachelor’s (1965) and Master’s degree (1968) from St. John’s University and was voted the outstanding athlete in 1963. He played professional baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals and Pittsburgh Pirate organizations. He and his wife, Patricia, have five children, eleven grandchildren and live in Commack, Long Island.
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