The Porch
Retail Price: $24.95
Retail Price: $24.95
A compelling story about an English family that immigrates to Charleston South Carolina to open an office of their family business in America. The story chronicles their journey from the inception of the idea of coming to America, their journey across the Atlantic Ocean and their arrival in Charleston to find a different climate and a new culture. Their greatest is in building a summer house outside the city fronting on a large creek to escape the intense heat in the city in high summer, and finding the porch to be a place that provided a sense of peace and contentment that they never knew possible. You will be delighted with the fun and adventure they find at the summer house.
Format: 6 x 9 Black & White Casebound, 305 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Jul 14, 2021)
ISBN10: 1977245218
ISBN13: 9781977245212
Genre: FICTION / Southern