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Spiritually Appraising

How does God want us to appraise all things?

by Pastor Randy Pitts II


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Product description...

“Spiritually Appraising” is God’s commandment for the way Christians are to assess and to judge all things – I Corinthians 2:15. Well in order to spiritually appraise all things, you must first know God’s word (rhema – 4487 GK.), meaning His scriptures. This is why we are also commanded to live by His every word – Matthew 4:4, because only His word, scriptures, are the truth. And no, we don’t use our human mind to spiritually appraise, we have to use the mind of Christ – I Corinthians 2:16b, which is why we are commanded not to think like the world, but to have our minds renewed – Romans 12:2. Yes a renewed mind gives you the mind of Christ. Well this is why God has given us close to 8,000 scriptures in the New Testament. Think of it like a puzzle. If there was a 500 piece puzzle and all you had was 2 or 3 pieces, do you honestly know what the whole puzzle looks like? No you don’t! You need His knowledge (epignosis), meaning His full and complete truth, in order to rightfully spiritually appraise ALL things. Well God has done His job by giving us His knowledge in abundance, so that we can now spiritually appraise all things according to His word. It’s now time for us to do our job as Christians, AKA His children, to honor and obey Him by spiritually appraising all things.

Product details...

Format: 6 x 9 Black & White Paperback, 298 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Sep 30, 2021)
ISBN10: 1977242154
ISBN13: 9781977242150
Genre: RELIGION / Christianity / General

Author Information...

Randy is not only an ordained Pastor, but one who is called by God to teach God’s children. He is blessed to have the time to research just about every word of which there are close to 184,600 in just the N.T. And he researches just about every scripture of which there are close to 8,000 in the N.T. Yes, that’s just the N.T. And there are plenty of these researched words and scriptures in all of his books. And he is blessed to have the Holy Spirit lead him into all of the research that is provided by the Greek and Hebrew scholars, which is why he gives you God’s truth, and never his opinion. After all, that is the Holy Spirit’s job to lead us into all of God’s truth – John 16:13a. And as you will learn He does an amazing job. Thank you our heavenly Helper – John 14:26.
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