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The Town of Alpaca

by Patricia Ann Schoch


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Product description...

A Town In Trouble

2019 CIPA EVVY AWARD - 3rd Place Children's Storybook Fiction

What does a town do when its largest manufacturing company, the biggest business in town, goes under? The town of Alpaca was once vibrant and bustling, but ever since that llama came to town and bought the company, it hasn’t been the same. He didn’t manage it well and now the alpacas are out of jobs, their once beautiful town has become a poor, run-down, dismal place to live, and the Alpackaging Company is on the market to be sold, but no one is looking to buy it. The situation seems hopeless for the alpacas. In addition, they now hate llamas ... all llamas, so you can imagine how Albert Alpaca felt when a strange couple showed up at his little “Alpaca Inn and Suites” looking for a room. Llamas!! What will he do? The story of The Town of Alpaca shows how heartwarming it is when hatred turns into friendship, misunderstandings into trust, and working together works!

You may think that the plot of this book seems like something beyond a child’s understanding, but don’t sell them short; they are smarter than we think, and often we don’t give them enough credit for their savvy. Part of what makes the book unique is that it presents real life issues, simplified enough for a child to understand. Many families have gone through challenging times, but those challenges don’t always wait for children to be old enough to grasp their implications. The story presents a problem and the resolution revolves around healthy values that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Product details...

Format: 5.5 x 8.5 Color Paperback, 45 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Nov 14, 2018)
ISBN10: 1977204430
ISBN13: 9781977204431

Author Information...

Patricia Ann SchochPat was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but was relocated to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where she was raised, at the tender age of 10 weeks old. In 1990 she, her husband, and her children pulled up roots and transplanted themselves to North Carolina, where they have lived since then. A registered nurse by trade, Pat has never lost the passion for writing that had been passed down to her from her beloved late mother. She graduated from St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing in Bethlehem and has worked in several areas of her chosen profession during her career, but she never stopped writing. She has contributed to editorials, blogs, the Healthy Heels website for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Campus Health Services, where she also worked as a nurse, and to the Yahoo! Contributor Network during its existence. She has been published in the International Book of Poetry, and last, but not least, had her first children’s picture book, The Giggle Box, published by Peak City Publishing in Apex, North Carolina, in 2014. Pat’s creativity began with writing in elementary school but it did not stop there; she also enjoys music, singing, gardening, and sewing. Eclipsing all of her interests, however, is her love for her husband, four wonderful children, and five (so far!) beautiful grandchildren. She and her husband, Dennis, are retired and thoroughly enjoy the added time they can spend with their family. Pat would like to thank you for your interest in The Town of Alpaca and she hopes you like the lessons its characters impart. Her goal through writing is to teach young people healthy values and to encourage them to always do the “write” thing.
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