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by Robert T. Gardner, Jr.


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Product description...

Stop Child Pawn: You hurt them, not him!

This book calls out the harsh realities of life for children who are used as pawns by parents when their relationships end on bad terms. Many children, along with their fathers fall victim to the unspeakable horrors and widespread ramifications of child-pawn. The effects of child-pawn on our children can erode and eradicate the healthy development of the intangible aspects of their personalities related to their social and emotional development. Yet, there is no court house, no legislation, no voice, and no place for mostly fathers to go when their children fall prey to the strong hold levied upon them by, in many cases, their angry mothers when relationships with their father’s end on bad terms. In this book, my colleague, Dr. Kenneth B. Ballard created the “Let Go Lab.” In this lab, you will find positive ways to resolve issues with angry ex-mates. We believe this book will transform the behavior of angry parents into parents who find healthy methods to resolve issues with former mates as it relates to their children.

Product details...

Format: 6 x 9 Black & White Paperback, 198 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Dec 08, 2016)
ISBN10: 1478764805
ISBN13: 9781478764809
Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Author Information...

Robert T. Gardner, Jr. Robert is an author ahead of his time. He recognizes that good emotional health is the key element to attain happiness in relationships. In his first book, “The Choices We Make,” he calls for relationship skills to be taught in schools. Robert believes that would provide our youth with some insight for healthy relationships to reduce intimate partner violence. Robert has a BA degree from Fordham University. He has a Master’s degree from NYU, and Robert has a Master’s of Social Work degree from Rutgers University. Robert is an agent for change regarding unhealthy relationships. He creates and facilitates educational programs that teach people how to improve their emotional health.
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