Joy Cometh In The Morning
Retail Price: $11.95
Retail Price: $11.95
“Walking through life’s storms with confidence in God…”
No one ever promised that life would be plain and simple. Psalm 30:5 states: “For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” We can often encounter some devastating life challenges such as anxieties, debilitating and critical illnesses, broken relationships, deaths of loved ones and financial losses, to just name a few; but there is hope in what can appear to be extremely dark and dismal situations that we face; we can walk through life’s storms with confidence in our great and mighty God. Joy Cometh in the Morning is a compilation of inspirational messages that will bring hope, peace and comfort in the midst of your storms. Confidence, trust and deliverance in God will come through as you read each message. Always remember that we walk by faith and not by sight. God is able; he is the absolute authority in all the circumstances in your life . . . no matter the storm . . . trust in God.
Format: 6 x 9 Black & White Paperback, 90 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Oct 11, 2017)
ISBN10: 1478728493
ISBN13: 9781478728498
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational