Tackled by Faith
When Sports and the Cross Collide: A Student Athlete's Guide to Success
Retail Price: $10.95
Retail Price: $10.95
When Sports and the Cross Collide!
Have you ever wondered why Jesus Christ gave you the passion, the ability, and the talent to play your respective sport, and imagine the sacrifice and the investment that was made for you to fulfill these desires that you have? Journey into the life of a young walk-on college football player that faced these same desires compounded with life’s hurdles, set backs, and successes. See how the young walk-on player did not allow his heart to follow his God-given talents as most athletes; however, he was “Tackled by Faith” in Jesus Christ and made a difference for the Kingdom of God.
Format: 5 x 8 Black & White Paperback, 90 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Dec 19, 2012)
ISBN10: 1432795198
ISBN13: 9781432795191