Dr. T. Charles Brantley is the senior pastor of Restorations Springs interdenominational church in Waterbury, Connecticut and is an author of nine books on relationships and theology. TC has been married to Jackie for over 25 years with two children, Timothy II and Jocelyn R. TC is a candidate for his second PhD in Theology from Newburgh Theological Seminary. He received his accreditation in pastoral counseling from the International Board of Christians Counselors. He is a relationship expert on Hot 937 (WZMX - CBS Radio - Connecticut #1 radio Station). Furthermore, he is a relationship TV correspondent for CT Style (ABC) and Stan Simpson Show (FOX).
Cracked Tiara:
Recovering from Affairs, Major Disappointments & Emotional Abuse within the Marriage
by Dr. T. Charles Brantley

Cracked Tiara:
Recovering from Affairs, Major Disappointments & Emotional Abuse within the Marriage
by Dr. T. Charles Brantley
Published Jul 29, 2011
132 Pages
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Marriage & Long-Term Relationships
Book Details
The content was very inspiring though surprising at times. While the specifics of your paper did not apply to me, it still made me reassess my own marriage and how we treat each other. I liked how you both defended and pushed both partners. Marriage takes both spouses to make it work. In the end, it does not matter who was at fault. If you want the marriage to heal, both partners have to do their part. I also liked the imagery that you carried through the paper of stone foundations and sources of water. I was surprised by the sexual content. I am sad to say that I only had one religious teacher who touched on human sexuality being a gift from God to be shared with your spouse. Every other religious teacher seemed to treat the idea as either something dirty or something not to be spoken of, as if it were shameful. I realize that many, just like parents, probably just do not know how to bring it up. However, it was interesting to see it brought up in a way that showed its importance to the wellbeing of the marriage and not just as a duty.