Crucified HUSBAND Glorified HUSBAND

Submission of a Husband to a Wife Dissertation

by Dr. T. Charles Brantley

Crucified HUSBAND Glorified HUSBAND

Crucified HUSBAND Glorified HUSBAND

Submission of a Husband to a Wife Dissertation

by Dr. T. Charles Brantley

Published May 30, 2013
209 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational


Book Details

MYSTERIES of a Biblical Marriage SOLVED through Ancient Writing

Ephesians 5:32 says that marriage is a MYSTERY-but I believe I have found the solution. It’s in the man who is crucified so that his wife can live. Yes, the mystery is solved, with an emotional murder of the husband by his own hands. The more he dies to self, the more he lives in marriage. This book is Dr. T. Charles Brantley blue-print to his private marriage counseling practice in the New England area.


Book Excerpt

I am not sure if I shared this quote with you before but it really rings in my ears as I read your book: The world is in chaos because people were made to be loved and things are made to be used – however today things are being loved and people are being used. You mention that men are prone to fall into a trap with their wives and they must do do it. Women (and yes, I am a woman) do often stand and complain about their men. Why? What I have witnessed and what I heard the other day made me embarassed for my gender. We make a conscious decision to marry yet so many are unhappy. You should not have to “deal” with anything or anyone. You should cheer each other on as partners and friends – as husband and wife with love in your heart. I have to say – as a woman reading your text – I agree with what you have to say. Once again you adress a topic that needs to be addressed and discussed. Bravo! I love the tone with which you write and always enjoy my review of your work. I am sure this will open the eyes of many. Congratulations on another well crafted piece.


About the Author

Dr. T. Charles Brantley

Dr. T. Charles Brantley is married to Pastor Jackie for over 27 years with three children. He is chief counselor at Strong Marriages (the new S&M). He has earned a double Doctorate (Christian Apologetics & Theology) and Masters (Pastoral Leadership and Divinity) Degrees from Newburgh Theological Seminary. He a under-graduate of FAMU. He has an Accredited Board Certified Pastoral Counselor and Diploma in Biblical Counseling from American Association of Christian Counselors In addition, he has authored 13 national published books titles including: “Married Couples: Thou Shalt Have Great Sex”, “New Sheets: Hot Passionate Undefiled Married Sex” , and “Cracked Tiara: Recovering from Affairs, Major Disappointments, & Emotional Abuse within the Marriage”. Radio and TV personal in New England area including a Weekly Relationship Expert for Lady Shaunte 760AM (2013 Stellar Award Winner) Nashville, TN. He is also senior pastor of Restoration Springs Interdenominational Church in Waterbury, Connecticut. or

Also by Dr. T. Charles Brantley

New Sheets
StoreFront Church: I am not ashamed
Even Christians Use the Bathroom
You Can't Have the Head (Christ) Without the Body (Church)
Married Couples: Thou Shalt Have Great Sex
Dissertation: The Spiritual Faust in the Twenty-First Century Church
Cracked Tiara:
Cutting the Religious Gordian Knots
Further Than Jabez
Return To The Garden Of Eden
SINGLE LADIES:  Get Ready For Your Man
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Power of Meekness
נָגַע Touch
ἀγάπη - LOVE the HELL Out of You
Marriage Bed Unfulfilled
Thou Shalt NOT Be Full Time Parents
Voice in the Garden
Liberalism in Pentecostal Churches
Bid Farewell to Prison Experiences
Survival and Healing of Emergency Personnel – Including Chaplain Experiencing & Healing from Sandy Hook Tragedy
The Author of Sex GOD
90 Days to Honeymoon Bliss
Successful Marriages for Successful Men