StoreFront Church: I am not ashamed

Can a StoreFront save a city?

by T. Charles Brantley

StoreFront Church: I am not ashamed

StoreFront Church: I am not ashamed

Can a StoreFront save a city?

by T. Charles Brantley

Published Nov 16, 2006
60 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / General


Book Details

Astonishing answers to unspoken questions revealed!

1) What is the book about?
My life as a bi-vocational pastor for the past 9 years and the many roads, valleys and mountains I have had to face during this time. In fact, another title for the book might be “Don’t start a church unless you read this book.”

2) Who is the target audience?
Audience would first be to pastors and their respective spouses. Second tier audience would be members who really want to help their pastors not make the mistakes of others (including myself). A book for pastors who want to think things through before starting a church

3) What is the primary benefit?
This book will tell the reader in essence its more than just God who helps start a church. In other words, you must consider the needs of your spouse and children. Also there are some legal points that must be dealt with before going into this field of work. This book will help senior pastors to think before they act without making this task so insurmountable. I have seen brochures and packets that could make a pastor feel more overwhelmed than they should be in starting a church from alpha.

4) What is the unique message?
This book is different because it’s not a PR book masked in biblical principals. In essence, it gives the pastor a point of understanding of how the church works. This book is for pastors who want to have integrity (not starting a church out of anger or malice) with not only there calling but their home as well. In a nut shell, this book is REAL. No sugar coating here.

5) How does the book relate to its competitors?
Looking on I didn’t see a book that compared. The only thing I saw was “A teaching project in the theology of personality and pastoral care for ministers of store-front churches (Unknown Binding)”
by Robert Lowery. This book is different because it’s not just a factor of God but of God, family, people issues, and legal points that a pastor may have to consider.

6) What Qualifies You to Write this book?
Nine years of blood, sweat and tears. When you make enough mistakes as I have done another way to excel is to help others not face the same challenges you faced in your life time. In nine years as a pastor who has TRIED all my might to have an integrated church, I have by the grace of God survived from starting in the suburbs but ending in the urban area. Qualification point is that I survived and am able to talk about it today. I am also a forth generation pastor as well.

If one desires supplemental newspaper articles on the ministry please contact the church. The church in nine years, have gathered over 100 articles from local newspapers. Again, if you are interested in this material please call and write the church.


Book Excerpt

I pray this book will be a blessing to you. Espcially to pastors, who are trying to do the right thing in a wrong world.


About the Author

T. Charles Brantley

T. Charles Brantley is a student of the human condition, wielding the written craft to enrapture the mind much like an artist wields a brush. The pages are a blank canvas on which to draw from a talent heralded by many and matched only by an imagination that rises to the task. StoreFront Church: Yes, I am either the pastor or member is the first in a series of recent pursuits, with work progressing quickly on the follow-up.

Also by T. Charles Brantley

New Sheets
Even Christians Use the Bathroom
You Can't Have the Head (Christ) Without the Body (Church)
Married Couples: Thou Shalt Have Great Sex
Dissertation: The Spiritual Faust in the Twenty-First Century Church
Cracked Tiara:
Cutting the Religious Gordian Knots
Further Than Jabez
Crucified HUSBAND Glorified HUSBAND
Return To The Garden Of Eden
SINGLE LADIES:  Get Ready For Your Man
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Power of Meekness
נָגַע Touch
ἀγάπη - LOVE the HELL Out of You
Marriage Bed Unfulfilled
Thou Shalt NOT Be Full Time Parents
Voice in the Garden
Liberalism in Pentecostal Churches
Bid Farewell to Prison Experiences
Survival and Healing of Emergency Personnel – Including Chaplain Experiencing & Healing from Sandy Hook Tragedy
The Author of Sex GOD
90 Days to Honeymoon Bliss
Successful Marriages for Successful Men