Dr. T. Charles Brantley is the senior pastor of Restoration Springs Interdenominational Church in Waterbury, Connecticut and is an author of eight books on relationships and theology. TC has been married to Jackie for over 25 years with two children, Timothy II and Jocelyn R. TC is a candidate for his second PhD in Theology from Newburgh Theological Seminary. He received his accreditation in pastoral counseling from the International Board of Christian Counselors. He is a relationship expert on Hot 937 (WZMX-CBS Radio-Connecticut #1 radio Station). Furthermore, he is a relationship TV correspondent for CT Style (ABC) and Stan Simpson Show (FOX).
Dissertation: The Spiritual Faust in the Twenty-First Century Church
by Dr. T. Charles Brantley

Dissertation: The Spiritual Faust in the Twenty-First Century Church
by Dr. T. Charles Brantley
Published Feb 28, 2011
210 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Agnosticism
Book Details
In the horizon of mankind, false teaching has come to the church in a very strong way. Since Christ left earth, strange doctrine has come against the church. In his dissertation and six book reviews of famous authors, T. Charles Brantley, PhD comes to grips that the people of God are dying for a lack of knowledge. Due to such, they cause Faust instead of true faith. Within these pages, such corruption is faced. T. Charles Brantley, PhD has written: Even Christians Use the Bathroom, You Can’t Have the Head Without the Body, and Married Couples: Thou Shalt Have Great Sex.