Correctional Officer, Emergency Medical, Fire Fighter, Police, and State Trooper Personnel

by Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D



Correctional Officer, Emergency Medical, Fire Fighter, Police, and State Trooper Personnel

by Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D

Published Jan 18, 2012
116 Pages


Book Details

Keeping Emotional Kryptonite Away From Those WHO SERVE, PROTECT, and RESCUE

Good Reading for New Cadets and Veteran Staffers Training has taught them to be concerned about the public, but this very training may lack a sense of how to ensure that the same professional approach is needed at home as well.


Book Excerpt

As Chaplain for Naugatuck Fire Department and Connecticut State Trooper Unit A & I, I have seen the bravery of men and women who will give their lives for others. At the same time, I wonder what happens to them when they come home from their long day. As the Vietnam Veterans were not given their due until many decades later, so are the men and women of Emergency and Correctional personnel seldom given their due, either on the home front or in public. This book, I pray, will teach them how to be concerned about the emotional and mental dangers of the jobs they do, as well as enlighten the family and community of these brave men and women, who daily fight personal battles. Because they are brave and strong, I will interchange Emergency and Correctional personnel with SUPERHEROES within this book.


About the Author

Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D

TC qualifications include: 1. Married 25 years with two children 2. Counseling Couples over 15 Years 3. Senior pastor over 14 Years 4. Chaplain for Connecticut State Troopers and Naugatuck Fire Department over 8 Years 5. Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Apologetics 6. Candidate for PH. D in Theology 7. Double master's degree in Pastoral Leadership and Divinity 8. BA from Florida A & M University 1988 (magna cum laude) 9. Accredited Board Certified Pastoral Counselor (BCPC) from the International Board of Christian Counselors (AACC).* 10. Certificate Program for Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy with American Association of Christian Counselors*. 11. Certificate Program - Professional Marriage Coach with American Association of Christian Counselors*. 12. Certificate Program- Professional Marriage Mentor with American Association of Christian Counselors*. 13. Certificate Program - Addiction and Recovery 30 Hour Training ) 108 Program with American Association of Christian Counselors* 14. Bi-Weekly relationship expert guest on Hot 93.7 FM (Thursday) 15. Author of nine national published books • New Sheets • Store Front Churches • Even Christians Use the Bathroom • Successful Marriages For Successful Men • Real Men Don't Need Closets • You Can't Love the Head without the Body • Married Couples: Thou Shalt Have Great Sex • Dissertation: The Spiritual Faust in the Twenty-First Century • Cracked Tiara: Recovering from Affairs, Major Disappointments, & Emotional Abuse within the Marriage 16. Publisher of Monthly Newsletter on Relationships 17. Member of the Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association 18. Ordained by COGIC in 1992 19. Fourth Generation Minister

Also by Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D

New Sheets
StoreFront Church: I am not ashamed
Even Christians Use the Bathroom
You Can't Have the Head (Christ) Without the Body (Church)
Married Couples: Thou Shalt Have Great Sex
Dissertation: The Spiritual Faust in the Twenty-First Century Church
Cracked Tiara:
Cutting the Religious Gordian Knots
Further Than Jabez
Crucified HUSBAND Glorified HUSBAND
Return To The Garden Of Eden
SINGLE LADIES:  Get Ready For Your Man
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Power of Meekness
נָגַע Touch
ἀγάπη - LOVE the HELL Out of You
Marriage Bed Unfulfilled
Thou Shalt NOT Be Full Time Parents
Voice in the Garden
Liberalism in Pentecostal Churches
Bid Farewell to Prison Experiences
Survival and Healing of Emergency Personnel – Including Chaplain Experiencing & Healing from Sandy Hook Tragedy
The Author of Sex GOD
90 Days to Honeymoon Bliss
Successful Marriages for Successful Men