You Can't Have the Head (Christ) Without the Body (Church)

Diligo Corpus Sarcalogos (Love the Body of Christ)

by T. Charles Brantley (M. Div)

You Can't Have the Head (Christ) Without the Body (Church)

You Can't Have the Head (Christ) Without the Body (Church)

Diligo Corpus Sarcalogos (Love the Body of Christ)

by T. Charles Brantley (M. Div)

Published Dec 10, 2008
106 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Theology


Book Details

Pastor T. Charles Brantley M. Div continues his quest to bring reality to the body of Christ in his latest book "You Can't Have the Head without the Body." The author of such books: "New Sheets", "Real Men Don't Have Closets", "Successful Marriages for Successful Men", "Even Christians Use the Bathroom" and "Store Front Churches" comes his latest work. Within this book, T. Charles Brantley disdains the notion that one can love Christ and hate HIS (Jesus) body. This rumor has gone on for Christians for too long and this book dismantles such hypocrisy and lies.


Book Excerpt

Chapter 4 - Church Full of Sinners (pg. 18)

"Let us quickly look at Jesus’ crew again. He had all types of people in this 12-member church, but they were problem children and demon seeds. In fact, an insider killed Jesus. Notice that Jesus still kept Judas as a part of the body. Now if Christ was able to tolerate Judas and if Judas was

able to tolerate Christ, what is our problem today in the

body of Christ? How can you tell Christ that you are leaving the body when He tolerated Judas?"


About the Author

T. Charles Brantley (M. Div)

T. Charles Brantley, husband, father, pastor, author (5 books), apprentice apologist, conference speaker, radio guest (WZMX Hot 93.7 FM), is chairman of the board of Charles Jasper T. Venture. He is also a guest on 104.9FM & Hot 93.7FM and preaches at Restoration Springs Interdenominational Church. He received his bachelor degree (Business/Mathematics) at Florida A & M University (1988) & Masters degree (Divinity and Pastoral Leadership) at Newbury Theological Seminary (2008). He has written "New Sheets", "Even Christians Use the Bathroom”,” Successful Marriages for Successful Men", "Real Men Don't Use the Closets", and "Store Front Churches"

Also by T. Charles Brantley (M. Div)

New Sheets
StoreFront Church: I am not ashamed
Even Christians Use the Bathroom
Married Couples: Thou Shalt Have Great Sex
Dissertation: The Spiritual Faust in the Twenty-First Century Church
Cracked Tiara:
Cutting the Religious Gordian Knots
Further Than Jabez
Crucified HUSBAND Glorified HUSBAND
Return To The Garden Of Eden
SINGLE LADIES:  Get Ready For Your Man
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Power of Meekness
נָגַע Touch
ἀγάπη - LOVE the HELL Out of You
Marriage Bed Unfulfilled
Thou Shalt NOT Be Full Time Parents
Voice in the Garden
Liberalism in Pentecostal Churches
Bid Farewell to Prison Experiences
Survival and Healing of Emergency Personnel – Including Chaplain Experiencing & Healing from Sandy Hook Tragedy
The Author of Sex GOD
90 Days to Honeymoon Bliss
Successful Marriages for Successful Men