Survival and Healing of Emergency Personnel – Including Chaplain Experiencing & Healing from Sandy Hook Tragedy

Supporting Emergency Personnel at Work and Home

by Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D

Survival and Healing of Emergency Personnel – Including Chaplain Experiencing & Healing from Sandy Hook Tragedy

Survival and Healing of Emergency Personnel – Including Chaplain Experiencing & Healing from Sandy Hook Tragedy

Supporting Emergency Personnel at Work and Home

by Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D

Published Apr 07, 2023
177 Pages


Book Details

This is a reprint of my book League of Modern-Day Superheroes with additional chapters too it. (ISBN: 978-1-4327-8515-4) The original book was published on January 16, 2012. This new edition especially covers my first-hand experience at the Sandy Hook Massacre which took place eleven months later on December 14, 2012. THIS IS A NON-CHATGPT & Ghost Writing BOOK.

As I talk about this event that changed my life forever on December 14, 2012, in no way am I comparing myself to a hero. I was just helping the men and woman to cope with a horrid scene that would be in their hearts and minds forever. If in the minds of the hero’s so in the minds of the families who sacrificed the ultimate. December 14, 2012 was a day that will live forever in my soul. I was a part of a chore of emergency personnel who had come together for an event that would not only change Connecticut but the entire world.


About the Author

Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D

Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D. is one of Connecticut’s prolific authors about Intimacy, Relationship and Theology with 28 national published books. He is a husband, father, theologian, Christian apologist, pastor, chaplain, college professor, podcaster and comedian. Dr. T. Charles Brantley is currently the chaplain for both the Naugatuck Police & Fire Departments and State Trooper A (Southbury, CT), G (Bridgeport, CT) & I (Bethany, CT). His goal of restoring and saving marriages in all aspects and assisting couples in living together to walking down the aisle in Holy Matrimony. Dr. T. Charles Brantley is fully accredited by the International Board of Christian Counselors as a Board-Certified Pastoral Counselor by the American Association of Christian Counselors. Dr. T. Charles Brantley received both his earned Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Apologetics (Ph.D.) and his second earned Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) in 2013 from Newburgh Theological Seminary and College of the Bible. Dr. T. Charles Brantley received his earned Double master’s degree in Pastoral Leadership and Divinity (M. Div) in 2008 from Newburgh He is 1988 magna cum laude graduate of Florida A & M University. Dr. Brantley is a son and member of the Church of God in Christ Inc. (Memphis, TN).

Also by Chaplain T. Charles Brantley Ph.D

New Sheets
StoreFront Church: I am not ashamed
Even Christians Use the Bathroom
You Can't Have the Head (Christ) Without the Body (Church)
Married Couples: Thou Shalt Have Great Sex
Dissertation: The Spiritual Faust in the Twenty-First Century Church
Cracked Tiara:
Cutting the Religious Gordian Knots
Further Than Jabez
Crucified HUSBAND Glorified HUSBAND
Return To The Garden Of Eden
SINGLE LADIES:  Get Ready For Your Man
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Power of Meekness
נָגַע Touch
ἀγάπη - LOVE the HELL Out of You
Marriage Bed Unfulfilled
Thou Shalt NOT Be Full Time Parents
Voice in the Garden
Liberalism in Pentecostal Churches
Bid Farewell to Prison Experiences
The Author of Sex GOD
90 Days to Honeymoon Bliss
Successful Marriages for Successful Men