Book Details

The Frances Norman Stein Story

Frank N. Stein

A modern day monster

This is the story about a High School football star that turns to drugs to enhance his game. He experiments with steroids and other mind altering drugs. He loses his High School sweetheart,to drugs and alcohol. Francis mixed any drugs that he can get his hands on; risking his mental and physical health. He became delusional and he can't distinguish what is real or part of his drug induced illusions. He's involved in hanous crimes that he has trouble remembering. Pimples,cyst,cuts, and dark circles under his eyes, make him look like the monster that the drugs have created. The terrible reality is that this story is happening to todays youth. The Monster lurks nearby. Don't let it get your children!

Also by Gary Turcotte

Silver Street
#2 Silver Street
Carbon Copy
Memoirs of a Fortune Teller
Vigilante Witch Hunter
Silver Street
Children of the Fortune Teller
Iron Stan
Hurricane Jane
Tom and the Troubled Teens
Brutus The Baby Snatcher
The Curse of Beauty
The Return of Iron Stan
Secret Psychic