Unfortunately this story is not far from the truth. Teen suicide is on the rise, many are covered up with different wording in the obituaries, it is alarming and shouldn’t be swept under the rug.
Tom and the Troubled Teens
Suicide Seth
by Gary Turcotte

Tom and the Troubled Teens
Suicide Seth
by Gary Turcotte
Published Jan 18, 2011
228 Pages
Genre: FICTION / Family Life / General
Book Details
Seth and the Suicide Club
Tom was out of work, his benefits ran out and he took the only job he could find; substitute teacher at a private school. When the guidance counselor was forced to resign, Tom took his spot. The ex-counselor kept secret files of the troubled teens and their sessions. Seth was one of the disturbed, he was suicidal, but lacked the nerve to end his life. Tom followed the teens onto the internet, to a suicide site. He found Seth as one of the advisors, he called himself ‘Suicide Seth’. He dared those who talked about ending their life to ‘do it’ and stop talking about it. Tom took a screen name and tried to interact with the desperate teens, but he was from a different era and his words fell on deaf ears. He confided in the Principal. She had a policy of looking the other way. She wanted the school to seem safe since it was funded from tuition and alumni donations. She swept Toms findings under the rug.