A Riverview Animal Shelter Mystery Novel

by Helen A. Bemis


Book Details

Love Is More Powerful than Fear or Force or Greed

Helen Bemis’s Riverview stories all have a strong element of love driving her characters…and some are “characters,” indeed. It is written that “love of money is the root of all evil,” and in this book, the love of gold plays a major, sinister role. Fortunately, love also redeems, and the readers of this latest in the Bemis Riverview saga will find that love prevails, as a long-time friendship ripens into love.


About the Author

Helen A. Bemis

Helen A. Bemis has enjoyed working with dogs all her life. She obtained a college degree at SUNY Adirondack, earned the Certified Professional Dog Trainer international certification and has a successful business, K-9 Karing. She has been a Therapy Dog evaluator and is an American Kennel Club award evaluator. This is her ninth published Riverview Animal Shelter book. She loves to hear people say, “Helen has gone to the dogs.”

Also by Helen A. Bemis

Understanding Sassie
Understanding Sassie II
Understanding Champ
Understanding Trixie
Understanding Tippie
Understanding Miss Understanding
Understanding Treasure
Understanding Two Big Dogs
Understanding King and Understanding Prince
Understanding Lady, A Cocker Spaniel with Chutzpah
Understanding Rusty, Katie's Talented Golden Retriever
Understanding Opal, Olivia's Great Dane and Understanding Lucky, Katie's Celebrity Poodle/Shepherd Mutt
Understanding Scout, Pixie's Protective Playmate Pooch
Understanding Barney, An Irish Wolfhound, and Understanding Bones, Skye’s Cadaver Dog
Understanding Einstein, A Border Collie Who Talked
Understanding Smokey, Nikki’s Rescued Weimaraner
Understanding Patches, Alyssa’s Clever Canine Companion and Understanding Queenie, Mary’s Pit Bull Terrier Partner in Witness Protection