The Path of Destiny

Where Fate & Hearts Unite

by C D Swanson


Book Details

A story that will grip your heart and senses from start to finish.

Eve’s destiny, dangled in the balance, while she searched for employment. After yet another day of endless rejection, she was about to call it a day, and start anew in the morning. However, she felt compelled to knock on the door of a little church house. As the door opened, Eve had no idea how her life was about to transform in a powerful way. This story will touch your heart. As you read about the exciting characters, who unfold before your very eyes, it’ll seem as if you were right there witnessing the action. CD’s story is replete with romance, excitement, and intrigue, with an ending you didn’t see coming. The Path of Destiny is a story you’ll remember long after you’re done reading it.


About the Author

C D Swanson

C D SWANSON, has written and published 19 books thus far. She contributes to various magazines, and online websites, including her own. Happily married to her teenage sweetheart, they share a “furry son” who brings them great joy. The author’s work has been featured, and published, in four additional books, with a team of faith-driven writers.

Also by C D Swanson

Dear God: With Love
Butterflies, Possum & Laughter
Passages Of Everyday Life: Through Faith
40 Days & 40 Nights of His Word
Changed From The Inside Out
The Chief's Niece
Five Hearts
Dear God: With Love II
Heartfelt Connections
A Heart of Courage & Faith
Faded Memories Anew
Jesus Eternal Friend & Savior
Deception At The Oasis
Preoccupied With God
The Progressive Intern
Blessings In Disguise
The House on East 4th Street
Witness of Our Father’s Love
Hearts of Love