Passages Of Everyday Life: Through Faith

A Look At Everyday life with God In Control

by C D Swanson

Passages Of Everyday Life: Through Faith

Passages Of Everyday Life: Through Faith

A Look At Everyday life with God In Control

by C D Swanson

Published Apr 14, 2011
137 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational


Book Details

What happens when God is in control and how it prevails in everything you do changing the outcome of your everyday encounters.

A Look at Everyday Life with God In Control and how it affects not only you, but those around you.


About the Author

C D Swanson

This is CD Swanson’s third book. Passages encompasses many scenarios of everyday life, with people from all walks of life. It details how God can change your life if you are willing to let him be in control. Faith inspired, as always is what led CD Swanson to compose this book, and to reveal how many people come to the Lord through various heart wrenching circumstances. CD Swanson is a Christian who has been married for 30 plus years. She and Ron share their Condo with their “little boy Max.” - She has completed her fourth book, a novel “The Chateau” which will be coming out soon. She has begun working on her fifth book stating, “I get all of my inspiration from my Lord my God whom I worship, love and adore. He gets all the glory honor and praise and I will keep writing as long as He wants me to.”

Also by C D Swanson

Dear God: With Love
Butterflies, Possum & Laughter
40 Days & 40 Nights of His Word
Changed From The Inside Out
The Chief's Niece
Five Hearts
Dear God: With Love II
Heartfelt Connections
A Heart of Courage & Faith
Faded Memories Anew
Jesus Eternal Friend & Savior
Deception At The Oasis
Preoccupied With God
The Progressive Intern
Blessings In Disguise
The Path of Destiny
The House on East 4th Street
Witness of Our Father’s Love
Hearts of Love


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