Syncopated Love Dreams

by Elwood Gene - Mishmah


Book Details

Every dream is a mirror of self-reflection.

Syncopated Love Dreams is a conglomeration of poems and poetic writing centered around themes of inspiration, growing up in a racially divided nation, family relationships, a hearty determination to be successful in life, and the impact of dreams upon growth and self-development. Woven throughout this lyrical work is love as a thematic reminder to help us to always maintain a sense of harmony, balance, respect, and oneness in the spirit of togetherness.


About the Author

Elwood Gene - Mishmah

Elwood Gene - Mishmah is a retired educator and administrator who now spends his time writing, publishing, and traveling. Syncopated Love Dreams is his sixteenth self-published book. Currently he resides in Palm Coast, Florida.

Also by Elwood Gene - Mishmah

Ride Beyond The Restless Darkness
The Philosopher's Tears
The Philosopher's Tears Annotated Reflections
Smiling Eyes Shine Brighter
Love and Paper Rumors
The Other Color of Love
Love Light & Freedom Impact
Love Vibes
It's About Time!
Primal Destiny
LOVE Resurrected
Resurrected Love & Romance
Reflections of Love Vibrations
Multicolored Dreams
Love Dreams Among Other Schemes
A Dream Lover's Rhetoric
Cozy Tears of Love
Storybook of Love