Mishmah Igbójah Samad Al Aziz began writing poetry during his preteen years. He was named Elwood Gene by his parents—Calvin and Blanche Edwards—four months before he was born. Reflections of Love Vibrations is his thirteenth self- published book of his brand of prosaic poetry. Among his previous published works are Resurrected Love and Romance, Primal Destiny, and The Philosopher’s Tears. He also edited and self-published, Ride Beyond the Restless Darkness, by Lloyd Nolan Foster, Outskirts Press, Inc.
Reflections of Love Vibrations
by Mishmah Igbójah Samad Al Aziz

Reflections of Love Vibrations
by Mishmah Igbójah Samad Al Aziz
Published Dec 31, 2019
285 Pages
Genre: POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Inspirational & Religious
Book Details
Each heartbeat is a melody of love vibrations
Each heartbeat is a melody of love in the songs that each heart sings. The quality of our lives is determined by the degree to which we allow this melody, consciously or unconsciously, to harmonize with the music of our soul. In synchronicity with each breath we take, each heartbeat is a melody of compassion and gratitude that resonates harmoniously and joyously, in the orchestra of life. Life is an orchestration that affords us myriad opportunities to be who we truly are, as well as to live the lives we were intended to live. Poetry helps us to balance, achieve and maintain a spirit of togetherness, oneness, and a sense of well-being.