Mishmah is a retired mathematics educator, administrator, consultant, and writing instructor. He was an editor of the metaphysical handbook L ’ Initiation and also served as managing editor of Ariadne’s Web. Although The Philosopher’s Tears is his first book of poetry to be published, Mishmah has been writing poems since his preteen years.
The Philosopher's Tears
Volume I
by Mishmah Al Aziz

The Philosopher's Tears
Volume I
by Mishmah Al Aziz
Published Jan 28, 2015
104 Pages
Genre: POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Inspirational & Religious
Book Details
Every Teardrop Tells A Story!
The Philosopher’s Tears is an assemblage of love poems of the heart, mind, and spirit. These poems explore reflections, inward journeys, gratitude, and the meaning and impact of love relationships at different life stages—elucidating nuggets of wisdom which help us to transform, to evolve, to live and to love the life we were intended to live. With themes of friendship, love, and faith, The Philosopher’s Tears is a lively collection of lighthearted yet inspirational poetry that will resonate with your spirit and awaken you to the possibilities of joy.