Muck Blossoms

A Healing Journey on the Path of Truth

by Juna Jinsei


Book Details

Muck Blossoms is an enthralling account of misery and mayhem that peaks at numerous intervals with riveting excitement. At the same time, it is a powerful lesson in cause and effect that depicts the fortitude of human nature at its best. A must-read for those who enjoy descending into the human psyche. - Anita Jean Blute, author of Survivor by Choice

Muck Blossoms by Juna Jinsei, Ph.D., is an inspiring tale that depicts the struggle to survive on a ranch built from the sweat and blood required to tame the wilderness in the 1870s. Though it was a simpler time, which would allow pleasant social graces, harmonizing with the beauty of nature, and enjoying quality peace of mind, it was also a period of lawlessness and personal hardship that trampled independent thinking from the aspiring expectations of second class citizens. Kathleen is a girl who learns as she transforms into a woman and raises her family on the wild Wyoming prairie that it is easy to get sucked into the stifling culture that erases one's individualism and true identity. She becomes aware that one has to learn how to maneuver within the realm of oppression to avoid torture and death. As her family grows she begins to realize her hopes and dreams from a happy childhood can blossom anew from the dust and decay of a broken home. As she faces grave consequences on a daily basis, Kathleen develops the insight to see that it is the struggles, suffering, and obstacles from which her patience, determination, and courage thrive and grow. Though she is a constant pawn controlled by the evil intent that surrounds her, and attempts made to smother her hopes and desires, Kathleen's strong will protects her from those who threaten to extinguish the flame of love and joy that reside within her heart. As a prisoner of happenstance, she fights to keep her sanity while protecting her children, until she reaches the point of complete uncertainty of whether or not she and her loved ones will actually survive in the dangerous lair of a beastly maniac. Juna Jinsei, Ph.D. has created another New Age masterpiece with her remarkable insight to inspire and motivate the senses. Backed by years of success treating victims of extreme trauma with the application of constructive reprogramming and beneficial spiritualism, Juna has assisted in the release of severe emotional pain while reinforcing courage, developing personal power, and rebuilding self-esteem. Her productive counseling continues to manifest new life-balancing patterns, which eliminate the fundamental darkness and despair that festers internally, by replacing them with healthy habits and a positive attitude filled with a sense of worthiness and well-being.


About the Author

Juna Jinsei

Founder of the World Wholeness Healing Center, in St. Petersburg, Florida, Juna Jinsei's books include YES, You Can Make It Happen, 100 Worlds to the Inner Cosmos, Enlighten Your Passions, and Transforming Human Awareness. She is the writer and producer of over forty self-help, healing hypnosis, and metaphysical therapy CDs and audio books.

Also by Juna Jinsei

100 Worlds to the Inner Cosmos
Enlighten Your Passions
Transforming Human Awareness
Elevate Your Life
FUNdaMENTAL Creativity
Counting Down to a Better World
Essence of Neverland
Underlord of the Netherworld
Mystic Gateway to Oblivion


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