Juna Jinsei, Ph.D. is the founder of the World Wholeness Healing Center, where she works alongside other professional natural healers as an instructor and Pastoral Counseling Psychologist. She has been working toward World Wholeness by counseling and teaching people around the globe for over thirty years with her experiences, writing, lectures, seminars, translations, and proven healing techniques. She has created and produced over forty audio books and holistic healing CDs to help eliminate personal suffering and aid in changing the negative vicious cycles that people unknowingly fall into and allow to control their lives. Juna has spent her entire life pursuing the best means to enable people to achieve self-improvement. Within the pages of YES, You Can Make It Happen, she shares her intricate spiritual journey with you and the answers she discovered that can lead all people to indestructible happiness.
You Can Make It Happen
by Juna Jinsei Ph.D.

You Can Make It Happen
by Juna Jinsei Ph.D.
Published Jun 29, 2008
440 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General
Book Details
Expand Your Life To Obtain Unlimited Miracles
"A true work of art! In YES, Juna Jinsei is masterful in creating an intricate, yet easily understood tapestry combining information concerning the various and sundry belief systems one may encounter during the many twists and turns this path we call life may present, with the discerning insight necessary to prevent one from being swayed by the dogma and superficiality of many of these systems. Further, YES offers an alternative way of celebrating life and creating value every day in any situation and dispelling the clouds created by misinformation and unfounded superstitions which are so readily used to control and manipulate everyday people. Bravo, well done!"
- Lorraine Leiser, MA, LCPC, CADC, Psychotherapist,
Central Professional Group, Psychology Faculty, College of DuPage
"I found YES to be profound on many levels incorporating personal experience along with the basis of self-understanding towards evolutionary growth, not only from an individual perspective, but with the intertwining of all life forms; including personal, gender, cultural, social and higher karmic or spiritual awareness. With this book I find there is the ability to understand all things and how they are interrelated. It aids the reader in finding their own internal awareness of peace and harmony, which will then reflect out into the world. I view this work as a great accomplishment that gathers life learnt understanding and knowledge and combines them into one manuscript, well done."
- Nancy Arruda, Writer for "OPEN To All Possibilities", owner of Universal Sky
"Many of us have moved forward towards a new stage of cultural awareness. As we all search for the means to experience new vistas of awareness and new levels of creativity, we are often led to books such as YES. Juna has woven together leading edge religious & cultural studies as well as her own discoveries of a deeper more meaningful quality of life. I recommend this book for those who wish to go beyond the daily reading of other cultures. For those who wish to discover a deeper, more meaningful quality to life. Read, enjoy and share."
- Cas Styrcula, Reiki Master, Chakra facilitator, owner of The Healing Realm
"This book is filled with many jewels to use on the spiritual pathway to self discovery. I was extremely moved at Juna's ability to share so much of her story knowing how much others can benefit from her life and it's many roads. She is a great example of compassion." (com-pass-i-on)
- Rev. Temple Hayes, First Unity Church