Changed From The Inside Out

Loving God

by C D Swanson

Changed From The Inside Out

Changed From The Inside Out

Loving God

by C D Swanson

Published Mar 30, 2012
111 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


Book Details

How loving and understanding God will transform your life.

The author expresses the importance of knowing God on an intimate level. An amazing transformation invariably takes place as one becomes closer to God. His word, His voice, and His love eventually are easier to understand, hear, and feel. God has a purpose and a plan for all of His children. The Author clearly explains her own personal transformation, and shares her love of God with the reader in a compelling and truthful way.


About the Author

C D Swanson

This is C D Swanson’s seventh Christian book. She is married for 32 years. They have a “little boy Max.” Her degrees are in psychology, human services, and health care. She was a director and counselor in the nursing home industry for her whole career. C D Swanson says, “I loved working with the elderly, it was my calling. I thank God for everything in my life, past present and future. And, this book is dedicated to God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Also by C D Swanson

Dear God: With Love
Butterflies, Possum & Laughter
Passages Of Everyday Life: Through Faith
40 Days & 40 Nights of His Word
The Chief's Niece
Five Hearts
Dear God: With Love II
Heartfelt Connections
A Heart of Courage & Faith
Faded Memories Anew
Jesus Eternal Friend & Savior
Deception At The Oasis
Preoccupied With God
The Progressive Intern
Blessings In Disguise
The Path of Destiny
The House on East 4th Street
Witness of Our Father’s Love
Hearts of Love