Why Should One Take Photos?
Bird Series 5 Serie De Aves
by Carol Creager

Why Should One Take Photos?
Bird Series 5 Serie De Aves
by Carol Creager
Published Jan 31, 2023
37 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Animals / General
Book Details
Mom's Choice Award
A bird that lives hidden in tall grasses makes an appearance out in the open, just for Carol’s camera. What is the second surprise?
2 sorpresas de una polluela carrasqueadora:
Un pájaro que se esconde todo el tiempo aparece para la cámara de Carol. ¿y la otra sorpresa?
Una cámara guarda memorias del pasado para el futuro y, a veces, captura algo especial que la persona que saca las fotos no vio porque los ojos se enfocan en ciertas cosas, no en todo lo que hay.
A camera stores memories of the past for the future and, at times, captures something special that the photographer did not see because of focusing on something specific, not everything in view.