Ronnie's Reach
My Story, by a Red-eyed Tree Frog
by Carol Creager

Ronnie's Reach
My Story, by a Red-eyed Tree Frog
by Carol Creager
Published May 05, 2020
47 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Animals / General
Book Details
Trato de alcanzar las estrellas. Tener una buena meta o sueño es esencial a la vida. Subo cada flor, hoja, y palito, esperando que uno me lleve bastante alto. Rani Rana
I reach for the stars. A worthy goal or dream is essential in life. I climb every flower, leaf, and stick, hoping one will take me high enough. Ronnie Rana, red-eyed tree frog
Frogs need clean air and water to survive.
Las ranas necesitan aire y agua limpios para vivir. Carol