Why Do I Have to Take a Bath?

by Carol Creager


Book Details

Mom's Choice Awards

Papá:Son, birds must keep our feathers clean and well-groomed in order to be able to fly. It is necessary to bathe frequently.

Mamá:Hijo, los pájaros tenemos que asegurarnos que tengamos plumas limpias y arregladas bien para poder volar.

Es necesario bañarnos frecuentemente.

Russet-naped wood-rail, which is a subspecies of the gray-necked wood rail family


About the Author

Carol Creager

I chose Spanish-speaking countries for two reasons. First, I speak the language and have photographed everything I could for many years for my students to see as they learned the language. To communicate successfully with people of other countries, you need to understand their customs and culture as well as their language. Second, people are familiar with huge African and Asian animals. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to the wealth of Latin American wildlife; I am trying to do my bit to help remedy the lack. While most of my books are written primarily for children, I hope adults too will enjoy the photographs and humor as well as learn more about the wildlife. Carol Creager

Also by Carol Creager

Hanging by My Toes
Mama and Me
Sloths Are So Stubborn!
Who Is My Best Friend?
Rescued By a Boy
Mischief and McGuffey in Ireland with Paul Byrom
What Is a Squirrel Monkey
What is a Tamandua
Ronnie's Reach
Feed Me! No, Feed Me! No, Me!
Who Cares about Our Colors
Are My Eyes Bigger than My Stomach
Why Did I Do Tricks for Luis?
How a Baby Monkey Travels
Why Do I Have to Grow Up?
Why Do I Howl?
The Sunbittern’s Secret
Why Are Capuchin Monkeys So Fearless
Why Should One Take Photos?
Why Do We Want a Different Name?
Does Costa Rica Have an Army?