I chose Spanish-speaking countries for two reasons. First, I speak the language and photographed everything I could for many years for my students to see as they learned the language. To communicate successfully with people of other countries, you need to understand their customs and culture as well as their language. Second, people are familiar with huge African and Asian animals. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to the wealth of Latin American wildlife; I am trying to do my bit to help remedy the lack. While my books are written for children, I hope adults too will enjoy the photographs and humor expressed in them. Carol Creager
What is a Tamandua
My story as told to my friend
by Carol Creager

What is a Tamandua
My story as told to my friend
by Carol Creager
Published Apr 28, 2020
43 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Animals / General
Book Details
I am a tamandua or lesser anteater. I search trees for termites and ants, which I catch with my long, sticky tongue. That benefits YOU! I greet my friends when they visit Observatory Lodge in Costa Rica. Tammy Tamandua
Soy una tamandúa. Busco termitas y hormigas, que cojo con la lengua larga y viscosa, que te ayuda. Saludo a mis amigos cuando visitan Observatory Lodge en Costa Rica.
Tammy Tamandúa