Lulu the Sheepadoodle

The World Traveling Positive Attribute Fairy

by Dr. S.N.B. & Lalu


Book Details

Explore the Continents and Discover the Power of Positivity With Lulu the Sheepadoodle!

Lulu the Sheepadoodle is a charming, whimsical, and lovable character created to help children learn about the world around them. Traveling to all the continents on Earth, Lulu proceeds to pirouette at the tippy top of the highest mountains; skip stones in the largest lakes, rivers, and oceans; and dry off in the hottest and driest deserts. During her escapades, Lulu searches for children displaying positive attributes and good deeds in order to help spread magic to flowers—because as we all know, flowers are nature’s way of spreading happiness!

During her explorations, Lulu enjoys play dates and painting her nails with animals found throughout the continents. She also finds interesting landmarks and monuments to meditate near and perfect her yoga poses.

Join Lulu the Sheepadoodle—the world-traveling positive attribute fairy—as she finds such attributes as responsibility, kindness, and compassion; love, patience, and resilience; trustworthiness, honesty, and courage. With a flap of her little fairy wings and the flutter of her long, bushy eyelashes, the magic of each trait is spread through the Universe, causing flowers to bloom and sweet fragrances to fill the air— so that all living things feel joy and happiness.


About the Author

Dr. S.N.B. & Lalu

With children around the world being forced into virtual learning, nine-year-old Lalu decided to work with her mom, Dr. SNB, on a book that would review fun facts about the continents. With inspiration from her puppy, Lulu the Sheepadoodle, and with a little fairy magic, her first book was born.

Also by Dr. S.N.B. & Lalu

Tiare and the Circle of Worlds
Tiare and the Circle of Worlds
Tiare and the Circle of Worlds
Tiare and the Circle of Worlds
Tiare and the Circle of Worlds: The Diamond Pyramid – Book 5


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