Sue Westgate published Eeryda Daanin Na'tu in the 5 book Galaxy of ELL series. She has been working in the IT field since 1998. In 2012, her career focus shifted from desktop support to Internet networking. She has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Troy University, and several IT certifications. She currently resides outside Lonoke, Arkansas with her husband, Jeff, a green house, and a few veggie gardens.
Beginning Anew
Summer Leaves Stonnet
by Sue Westgate

Beginning Anew
Summer Leaves Stonnet
by Sue Westgate
Published Dec 28, 2023
210 Pages
Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Action & Adventure
Book Details
From Sector 25 a brand new adventure within the Galaxy of ELL
Royal Entanglement
Upon returning from Turrizt colony, Summer Leaves Stonnet embarks on the life changing commitment of marriage and finds her team on Emergency One in a serious state continually being at odds with each other. To add insult to injury, management is starting to give her team demeaning work such as nursing sick people on a research station. Not the job Summer was born to do and not the challenge for the team she was expecting to come back to. Then on top of it all, as Summer is trying to resolve the conflicts among her team, Emergency One is sent to play passenger shuttle for Princess Onyx Setting, the youngest daughter of the Utan king. Is this the one mission that changes Summer’s life forever?