I was born in Vancouver, British Columbia and raised in Tieton, Washington until I was ten years old. Then my Mother moved my brother Dave and I back to B.C. where I grew up to say eh very well. In B.C. of 1991 I was up for the BCMA Music Awards for best entertainer of the year. Then I went onto lots of college for many different degrees from French cuisine, job strategy, sanitation for food safety, St. Johns Emergency Training course in first aid and CPR, to manager, and President of Pre Paid Legal, and also to my residential management, and pool safety certificates, along with security officer training which includes my FAQ status certificate. I was also one of the Artists that was hired by Modern Groove, and Pool West many times. Where I sang and performed songs for radio, to live TV, and voice over work. Then I completed a Gospel music video with a CD where all of the proceeds would go to help out the homeless. Now I reside happily back in Canada with my Mom Pearl, my sweet Angel Shanaya, and my brother David, cousin Naomi, and so many family and friends who’s stood behind me all the way, to our new puppy miniature toy poodle Teddy who finally completes us all. Where we now all live happily ever after.
Miracle Angel Stories
by Darlene Cozart

Miracle Angel Stories
by Darlene Cozart
Published Dec 02, 2011
269 Pages
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Angels & Spirit Guides
Book Details
Come into a variety of Angel stories where miracles happen to everyday people. To save people from harm and show us all that we are not alone. To take us into new heights of Angel bliss. Where everyday miracles are a hard thing to ever miss.First the children are taken in so many ways to Heaven where they must learn how to protect Mortals back on earth. The day to day lives of how they get to Heaven turns from sorrow into strength and joy that is ever lasting.
Book Excerpt
All Ark kids are now seen floating in their new Angel powers to the dining room with their room leaders; they sat down for their morning breakfast. When Gabe then appears before them in different flight patterns each morning, and this morning he came in a whirlwind. Gabe blessed the spiritual see through food, when the Halo plates floated down on the place mats. The Arks were always hungry for more Angel power foods, as each plate was to brighten up the Arks Halos. Today they would need more Halo powers from God, as they worked in teams all around the whole world, to either save souls, or bring them home. It was now their jobs to take care of the mortals on earth. There were thousands of new Ark Angel teams all around them, when they had finished their meals. Jock along with all of the other room leaders now takes their new Arks towards the schools gate “Ok Arks it is now your jobs to fly back to earth, and protect other mortals. Just take that star straight ahead, and it will be your elevator down to the silver lined cloud walk way, then follow the yellow brick gold, and you will see the Pearly gate Station. There you will meet John, and he will tell you what to do, just listen to his words, and he’ll bring you home with the blessings.” Jock said. Then Melody appeared with the silver key, as she opened up the gate, and the new Arks flew out of their school as fast as they could towards the star. There was such a huge excitement in the air, as Danny, Mark, Joey, Melinda, and Becky flew as a team. They were the very best of friends, but they also knew that earth also held a lot of evil spirits, that they would have to fight, but they were trained that they had strength in numbers together, and that divided they would fall.