Herbert G. Dorsey III had adventurous episodes from early childhood to the middle of his life, some of which brought him close to death. His exposure to metaphysics at Krotona Library in Ojai instilled in him a total belief that God would protect him in his journey through life. He became a Vegetarian and a Pacifist at the age of 17. About the same time, he fell in love with sail boats and the sea. After 3 years of travel and adventure on land and sea, he married and settled down to family life. After five years of marriage he became divorced and once again was a free man. He attended UC Berkeley in 1967 and 1968. He was involved in antiwar activities and joined SDS during the Vietnam War. A bet with a College roommate sent him off on yet another adventure to Cuba. In later life, He had more adventures in Sedona, Arizona and eventually settled in Hawaii.
The Adventurer
The Autobiography of Herbert Grove Dorsey III
by Herbert G. Dorsey III

The Adventurer
The Autobiography of Herbert Grove Dorsey III
by Herbert G. Dorsey III
Published May 24, 2011
385 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Adventurers & Explorers
Book Details
The Adventurer is the nonfiction story of a person that resolved to live a different, more adventurous, way of life.
The sea was totally white with sea foam. I would steer standing up. As the trimaran sped along, I felt like I was skiing through ever changing hills of snow. By night fall, it was blowing a full gale of 50 knots. I thought, “What a fine mess I’ve gotten myself into this time. It all seemed so easy planning this voyage back in Berkeley. There were only a few inches of blue between Key West and Havana on the map. Out here, it was a totally different reality.”