Who's Controlling You? Who Are You Controlling? - Strategies for Change

by Carol Rogne


Book Details

Considered one of the best books ever written on power used to control others, this book defines emotional and mental control as interpersonal violence that creates trauma in the emotional lives of adults and children.

You will be empowered by the topics:

• The many ways that power is used to control others.

• Characteristics of controllers and the people they control.

• Strategies for positive change:

• Protecting ourselves from emotional abuse.

• Confronting, rather than enabling controllers’ manipulative, life-diminishing tactics.

• Re-claiming and designing our life based on personal choices, values, beliefs and goals.

• Surrendering controlling behaviors if we are controlling others.

• Restoring relationships damaged by controlling behaviors.

We can recover from the emotional devastation of being controlled. Our empowerment journey will result in becoming a healthy person and parent and end with a message to share, especially with our next generation, that we all have certain rights,among them being, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”


About the Author

Carol Rogne

Carol Rogne, Ph.D., is a state and national licensed counselor and a school psychologist.

Her private therapy practice focuses on the power used to control others and in assisting recovery from the emotional harm that controlling behaviors create.

She also provides control workshops for mental health service providers and general audiences.

Also by Carol Rogne

One Canoe, Many Paddles
Anger and Guilt
Twelve Step Spirituality and Religion