Jerad P. Bisson is a tradesman by day and a writer by night. He is a husband, a father and a published author. He is a devout man of God who is dedicated to helping others by serving Christ and Christs Church. It is through his personal life experiences and his dedication to Jesus and the scriptures, that this book was born. It is his Greatest hope that many people who are searching for God, can come to rely on him by using the principles that Jerad has Created in this book. “It is with God and only with God that we can accomplish all things, therefore we must not exclude him from the smallest matters of our lives, to the greatest. Our relationship with Christ should be intimate and life giving. It is by falling in his arms and trusting in what he taught and what he promised. That we may truly learn how to live the life that God has designed for us to live.” “Glory To God in the Highest”
Shining Christs Light
A practical book about loving those who mistreat you
by Jerad P. Bisson

Shining Christs Light
A practical book about loving those who mistreat you
by Jerad P. Bisson
Published Mar 08, 2018
87 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Antiquities & Archaeology
Book Details
Love Your Enemies
All of us have people in our lives that we feel are impossible to deal with. They just won’t be nice to us or respect us in anyway no matter how kind we are to them. whether it be a family member, a coworker, someone you go to school with or even someone whom you have just met. For some reason they just don’t care about you. Jesus calls us all, to love all people, especially our enemies. How then can we love those who are always putting us down? Jesus teaches us that there is no credit in only loving those who love you back (luke 6:32 KJV). The merit is received when we love the ones who don’t love us at all. How then can we love someone that wants to hurt us? Christ has given us his teaching that we should all love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those that hate us, and pray for those who despitefully use us, and persecute us. This seems somewhat impossible, but anything is possible with God. When we rely on all that Christ has taught us and fall back on his love for us, we can do anything, we can change the world. This book contains nine practical principles on how to love your enemies. It is by applying these principles in our daily life, that our lives will get better and we will learn how to deal with those people who hate us and those who just down right ruin our day. Each of these principles has been derived from Christs teachings of how we should love our enemies. These nine principles are a fundamental approach to a Christ centered life, that makes you Christs light in the world. By applying these nine principles in your daily life. You will find that most of the people who don’t care about you, will start to care about you more and those who continue to treat you badly wont bother you at all. It is through Christ That we are saved and through Christs teachings that we learn how to live a life that is worthy of Heaven. So, let’s use a practical approach to this issue and ask Jesus for his grace, to learn these new behaviors. So that we may shine Christs light in the Darkest of places.