The Gods of Olympus - Book II

by Michael Meadows


Book Details

You’re an immortal. What role would you choose to play in ‘the reincarnation game’?

The immortal crew of the unique spaceship, Olympus, is faced with two hundred and fifty years of travel before they reach their intended destination of the Oberlin star system. Rather than sleep the centuries away, they have decided to be reincarnated into a sword-and-sorcery world of their own creation: a world filed with adventures, dangers, and magical creatures. For the six duplicated, human personalities, this new world offers the opportunity to fulfill the dreams of their previous mortal lives and to explore the ‘paths not taken’. For the two sentient, AI personalities, it offers their first opportunity to truly experience what life has to offer. Whatever role they select—trader or magician, healer or warrior, teacher or craftsman—the Mother and the Fates gradually draw them back together over the course of their new lives in the Intermountain Valley.


About the Author

Michael Meadows

Michael Meadows is a retired environmental engineer with forty years of experience with air and water pollution control, solid waste management, and hazardous waste site cleanup. He is currently living in Reno, NV with his wife, Cathy. This is the second book of his Gods of Olympus series.

Also by Michael Meadows

The Gods of Olympus
Stories of the Intermountain Valley