Giving My Self to the Wind

Stories, Essays, and More

by Kathryn Atkins

Giving My Self to the Wind

Giving My Self to the Wind

Stories, Essays, and More

by Kathryn Atkins

Published Oct 16, 2017
297 Pages


Book Details

This classic collection of short stories, poems, and essays will take you to new places. Kathryn Atkins forages “the musty, cobwebby place between my ears, and the sweet, squishy place in my heart” to explore themes ranging from the natural world to music, architecture, friends and family, and other life events begging to be exposed and handled. At times humorous and other times sad and serious, these short works are the result of a playful, feisty, and oh-so-clever Muse!


About the Author

Kathryn Atkins

About the Author: When Kathryn gave a copy of her poem “Light the Light” to her adoptive mom, she was surprised when a few years later her mom presented her with a hand-stitched sampler (there’s an image of it inside) with the poem embroidered on it. The title for this collection is from the penultimate line of that poem. Kathryn is married, has two grown sons, and works hard to inspire fellow writers through the non-profit California Writers Club. Her writing has been published in the club’s commemorative 100-year collection West Winds Centennial, ©2010, in two issues of the club’s Literary Review, and in print editions of many newspapers and magazines as well as in numerous online venues including the Huffington Post.

Also by Kathryn Atkins

My Piano Hands


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