Operation Pinata

Revenge on the Mexican Cartels

by G.J. Rayner & E.M. Rayner

Operation Pinata

Operation Pinata

Revenge on the Mexican Cartels

by G.J. Rayner & E.M. Rayner

Published Mar 31, 2017
263 Pages
Genre: FICTION / Thrillers / General


Book Details

Book 2 of the OMICRON Series

A wealthy Mexican businesswoman is murdered by the Acapulco Cartel, and her husband, a Deputy Attorney General, desires revenge for her death. Being frustrated with the corruption in the Mexican government, he hires OMICRON, a private security company that does work for US government agencies and private citizens. OMICRON develops a two-pronged attack against the cartels. First: To eliminate the people who are directly responsible for her death. Second: To conduct a money laundering scheme that drains the cartels of their drug trafficking profits.


About the Author

G.J. Rayner & E.M. Rayner

Ella Mae, an RN, encouraged Gordon, a retired DEA agent, to write believing it would be therapeutic as he has suffered from PTSD for many years. Together, they wrote a memoir of their life in Paraguay, which was immediately followed by a novel, Taurus, Taurus, Taurus. The therapy has indeed worked, and this book is their third adventure in their writing career.

Also by G.J. Rayner & E.M. Rayner

Taurus, Taurus, Taurus
Operation Sandstorm
Operation Caliph