Practical Biblical Dating Lessons For All the Single Ladies

by Arquila A. Todd


Book Details

Biblical wisdom: the key to dating smart!

Author's official website: Website Click Here
Author is available for speaking engagements at conferences, workshops, single's events and book club meetings.
skype Arquilat

Arquila's Schedule:

>Love and Relationships A Faith Based Approach book discussion Each chapter from DATE SMART: Practical Biblical Dating Lessons for all the Single Ladies
Every 4th Saturday from 7pm-10pm
Grand Prairie, TX 75054

(817) 475-5825

DFW Black Connect

FEEDBACK 9/12/05
Veronica wrote: Thanks a bazillion to Arquila for sharing another except from her book Date Smart we all laughed and had a wonderful time learning biblically based ways to communicate to our partners, how we d like to be treated. We loved the way you encouraged interaction and spontaneous conversation in our group. So much fun! I can't wait for the next time! Thank you we had 16 guests with young ladies and mature women ages ranging from 13 year old to 72 great ranges of ages and you impacted us all!

Do jealous tendencies often get the best of you? Does your companion know how to rattle your cage? What are the signs of a dead-end relationship? Is it possible to live without drama when faced with desertion, disrespect, and dishonesty? How do you hold on to your sanity and protect your own self-worth? DATE SMART addresses the many challenges of dating in today’s society. Based on the lessons taught in the Word of God, this book is filled with scriptural passages that heal, teach, renew, and strengthen an individual and her relationships. God is eager for us to grow in wisdom, to overcome our mistakes and learn from them. By applying biblical wisdom, your relationships will be enriched and enhanced–in a positive and life-changing way. The fundamental and foundational dating principles in Date Smart are the perfect first step in taking charge of your dating life. You’ll learn how to:
• Promote devotion, loyalty and faithfulness
• Inspire unity, teamwork, respect and accountability
• Foster integrity
• Communicate and problem solve so your relationship can be deep and lasting
• Deepen intimacy
• Develop a mutual exchange of care and concern
• Test your companion’s words to detect if he is being honest
• Encourage your mate to be responsible, reliable and so much more


Book Excerpt

Author is available for speaking engagements at conferences, workshops, single's events and book club meetings.
skype Arquilat

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Also by Arquila A. Todd

My Testimony
The Brain Washing of Black America


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