Adventures of Apple & Banana

Aisle of the Cookies

by D.J. Mincy


Book Details

Aisle of Cookies isa delightful treat!

Towards the back of the store, a dim yellowish light could be seen. There were still some aisles left in the grocery store. At the back of the store, the silence was broken by a loud crash and laughter as the magical light swept through the last parts of the Safe and Fresh Grocery. The sound of the crash and laughter was coming from where the fruit, produce, and bakery section used to be. Near the fruit and produce in the bakery section were several overturned trays of pies and doughnuts. “Shh! You will wake up the bread,” a voice said in a hushed tone.The laughter stopped. “Yeah whatever, let’s wake up the bread! Yippee!” said a banana swinging on a makeshift rope and crashing into another tray of doughnuts and pies.

Also by D.J. Mincy

The Dark Ones
Anarchy Rx
Diego Montoya
Adventures of Apple and Banana
Mystery of the Plum Statue
El Misterio de la Estatua de Ciruela
Las aventuras de Manzana y Banana La Isla de las Galletas
Las aventuras de Manzana y Banana