
Death at Rock Bottom

by Edward Vogler


Book Details

Secret Weapon discovered. Millions to die in 24 Hours…

An ultra new weapon is discovered. Millions are slated to die in 24 hours. CIA analyst Jay Wilson travels as a solar engineer to Truloix Island to investigate a Russian/Iranian joint venture, and is suspected of being a spy. Plans for his demise are already under way. The new weapon aimed at the US will launch in 24 hours, but what can an analyst do?


Book Excerpt

Jay straddled the high ledge corner and wobbled. His right calf muscle cramped in a painful spasm. He couldn’t straighten his leg, and stood at an awkward angle with a bent leg while hugging the wall. Water froze on his eyelashes reducing his vision to near zero. A few tears of pain mixed with sleet flowed down his twisted face, and he fought the pain, it was better than the alternative. He didn’t want to hear the final splat on the concrete below.


About the Author

Edward Vogler

Edward Vogler, a Marine Corps veteran, Commercial Pilot and Instructor, is well-traveled throughout the U.S., Japan, and Europe. He is known for more than 100 short stories distributed in the Tampa Bay area, and is happy to present his 5th novel . He develops his stories by following the main character and writing down what he does and what he says.

Also by Edward Vogler

Satan's Sand
Four Critical Days: Triumph or Tragedy
White Mist
Faceless Fox
Bucket Boy Conspiracy